S I N G E R - S O N G W R I T E R - V O C A L C O A C H - A U T H O R - H U M A N I T A R I A N

All vocals, lyrics and melody by Katia Cadet
Music by Anthony Cedras and Katia Cadet
I wrote "Lan Mo Devan'm" for just hours after hearing the devastating news of the earthquake in Haiti that would change my world, and the world of thousands back home. This is how I express myself, I felt powerless and so overwhelmed as I sat glued in front of my television, the words and melody came almost instantly. This little piece I meant to do last year, but I went on a mission to do all I could to help raise funds and to keep awareness on Haiti, so I never found the time. Only the song was posted, but to have images to it really brings it to life. I thought it would be good to finally put it together and to post it in hopes that one would be moved to say, give or do something, anything in ones power to help our brothers and sisters. They need us now even more then ever... The children still need us.